Taghleef Industries introduces new brand reLife


Monica Battistella, Product Manager and Sustainability Advisor for Ti Europe, tells us why the company’s new portfolio is more than just a business solution – it’s contributing to a better world. As part of the Taghleef Industry (Ti) initiative to pioneer in developing solutions that support the move from a linear to a more circular economy, Ti has introduced its new product portfolio, called reLife.


Under Taghleef’s Dynamic Cycle approach, reLife is a result of Ti’s expertise and continuous partnership with other prominent industry players. Taghleef’s experience and relationships with different stakeholders have paved the way towards a better understanding of the current scenario, with specific reference to flexible films, their end-of-life options, and the use of resources for their production.


The synergy among Ti’s plants and close collaboration between its R&D and business units have also enabled Taghleef to collect various insights that contributed to the success of developing this new product range. reLife by Taghleef Industries is an inter-segment portfolio of recycled polypropylene solutions for a variety of applications that are aimed at bringing new life to used materials and promoting the saving of resources.


This new product range consists of packaging and labelling solutions with either PCR (chemically or mechanically recycled) content or reprocessed granules. The reLife portfolio has its core value in supporting the circular economy by reducing the quantity of plastic waste that could potentially end up in the environment and by saving limited fossil resources.


In addition to providing environmental benefits, the unique feature of these products is that they are suitable for most of the same applications as the traditional film grade, and they ensure the same technical function and performance. With Taghleef’s mission to deliver intelligent product solutions and sustainable added value through innovative research and breakthrough solutions, the reLife product range aims to contribute towards a better world.



Under Taghleef’s Dynamic Cycle approach is the new umbrella brand reLife.

Packaging MEA interviewed Monica Battistella, Product Manager and Sustainability Advisor for Ti Europe, to learn more about the reLife brand.


Packaging MEA (PMEA): What is the reLife brand all about?

Monica Battistella
Product Manager & Advisor, Ti Europea positive cause”

Monica Battistella (MB): reLife is Taghleef’s inter-segment portfolio of recycled polypropylene solutions for various applications that bring new life to used materials. This consists of packaging and labelling solutions with either chemically or mechanically recycled PCR content or reprocessed granules.

The reLife range is part of Ti’s continuous commitment to truly making a difference AIP Conference_reLIFEand positively contributing toward the move from a linear to a more circular economy.


PMEA: How was this new product range developed?

MB: Our experience and relationships with our different stakeholders paved the way for us to better learn and understand the current flexible packaging end of life options, and the use of resources for production.

Thanks to our membership in organisations such as Ceflex and APR, the synergy among our plants, and the internal collaboration between research and development and business units, we collected the insight needed to successfully develop this new product range.


PMEA:  Why is reLife significant for its customers?

MB: The reLife portfolio’s core value is supporting the circular economy by developing new products from waste.

Customers who choose these products know they are supporting a positive cause since reLife reduces the quantity of plastic waste which could potentially end up in the environment.

It also saves limited fossil resources and energy which can then be used to produce new virgin resin.


PMEA: What are some other benefits of these products?

MB: The unique feature of these products is that in addition to providing environmental benefit, they are suitable for most of the same applications as the traditional film grade, and they ensure the same technical performance.

At Taghleef, we continue to actively advance our products so that customers are guaranteed to have the most current sustainable solutions developed by their trusted suppliers.



“Customers who choose these products know they are supporting a positive cause”

Monica Battistella

Product Manager & Advisor, Ti Europea positive cause”