Europe Nestlé has moved to push its ambition of encouraging healthier and informed consumer choices when it informed that it will support Nutri-Score, a colour-coded system with a scale ranging from A (healthier choices) to E (less healthy choices) as its preferred nutrition labeling scheme for food and beverage products in continental Europe.
Nutri-Score is a voluntary front-of-pack scheme that classifies foods and beverages according to their nutritional profile, and will start appearing on Nestlé products in countries that already support the front-of-pack labeling scheme by the end of 2019.
Marco Settembri, CEO of Nestlé for Europe, Middle East and North Africa, said, “It is also a matter of transparency. Europeans are increasingly eager to know what is in the food and beverages they consume. We want to provide them with easy-to-understand nutritional information and to do this quickly. Scientific evidence and increasing consumer support show that Nutri-Score is a solution that works in continental Europe.”
Nestlé aims to implement Nutri-Score at scale, starting in countries that already support the scheme. Nestlé has also pledged to improve further the nutritional value of its food and beverages.