Neopac wins ETMA award for World’s Smallest Child-Resistant Tube

Neopac’s 10mm Polyfoil® tube wins ETMA’s Tube of the Year Award for innovation in child-resistant packaging.


Neopac has been honored with the Tube of the Year Award from the European Tube Manufacturers Association (ETMA) for its 10mm Polyfoil® tube, recognized as the world’s smallest child-resistant tube. The award, presented in the Prototype category, highlights the innovation in compact and secure packaging.


The 10mm Polyfoil® tube, featuring a child-resistant closure, represents a significant advancement in both safety and convenience. It is designed to accommodate 1-3ml capacities and is constructed from certified pharma-grade materials, making it suitable for both liquids and creams. The tube’s production adheres to ISO 8 cleanroom standards in Europe and the United States.


Neopac’s new tube not only offers high-barrier protection for sensitive and concentrated formulas but also allows for precise dosing with its long nozzle applicator, available with or without a dropper insert. “The Polyfoil® tube combines safety with user-friendly design,” said a Neopac spokesperson.


The ETMA’s annual competition is a platform for showcasing the creativity and innovation within the European tube industry. A seven-member jury evaluated entries across various categories, including aluminum, plastic, laminate, prototypes, and sustainability. The award underscores global standards for pioneering and sustainable packaging solutions.