Exploring innovations at drupa 2024 touchpoint packaging

Claudia Josephs, General Manager of EPDA, and Ben Daniel of Packaging MEA, discussing innovations at drupa 2024’s Touchpoint Packaging.


drupa, Düsseldorf – At drupa 2024, the premier print media fair, the spotlight was on Touchpoint Packaging (tpp). Ben Daniel, Chief Editor of Packaging MEA, had the opportunity to explore this innovative space and speak with Claudia Josephs, General Manager of the European Brand & Packaging Design Association (EPDA).


Josephs provided an insightful overview of tpp, emphasizing its significance as one of the five key highlights at Messe Düsseldorf. “Touchpoint Packaging is all about showcasing innovations within the packaging industry,” she explained. The exhibit features 22 companies representing different parts of the packaging value chain, focusing on key industry topics such as new ecology, connectivity, localization, consumer trends, and future regulations.


The exhibits at tpp are complemented by a conference forum, where industry innovations are discussed in depth. Josephs noted, “The aim is to shape the future of packaging through collaboration and shared knowledge.”


When asked about the response to tpp, Josephs described it as “wonderful,” highlighting the high level of interest from visitors. The event has also attracted brand owners who participate in talks and guided tours, exploring various aspects of packaging presented across different halls at drupa.


The bustling Touchpoint Packaging stand at drupa 2024, showcasing cutting-edge innovations in the packaging industry.


Addressing brand owners and converters from the Middle East and Africa, Josephs emphasized the importance of collaboration. “Rather than just having individual company booths, we believe in creating a space for networking and exchange among experts from different parts of the value chain and across continents. Understanding each other’s needs and expectations is crucial for preparing for the international market.”


Josephs also shared insights about EPDA, describing it as a nonprofit organization uniting packaging and brand designers from across Europe. “We focus on fostering collaboration, learning, and growth among our members. We also invite brands and industry players to our conferences to enhance this collaborative spirit,” she said. She expressed EPDA’s willingness to share their knowledge and experience with the Middle East and Africa, underscoring the importance of global cooperation.


As the interview concluded, Daniel extended his best wishes for the remaining days of drupa, reflecting the collaborative and forward-looking spirit that defines both tpp and EPDA.


For more updates from drupa 2024, stay tuned to Packaging MEA.