European Rotogravure Association (ERA) expanding global presence with a focus on sustainability

ERA President Davide Garavaglia emphasizes global expansion and sustainability at drupa 2024.


At drupa 2024, Packaging MEA had the opportunity to speak with the President of the European Rotogravure Association (ERA), Mr. Davide Garavaglia, and the Secretary, Stefani Dhami, about the association’s history, its current focus, and future plans.


Established in the 1950s in Europe, ERA has a rich legacy in gravure technology and knowledge. While historically focused on Europe, ERA now has a global outlook, aiming to extend its influence to regions such as Africa, the Middle East, India, and Asia. Mr. Garavaglia emphasized ERA’s mission to share knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world, particularly in regions where gravure remains popular for flexible packaging due to its repeatability, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use.


Addressing sustainability, Mr. Garavaglia highlighted gravure’s sustainability, noting that ERA is prepared to explain its research and outcomes in this area. As a not-for-profit association, ERA’s goal is to strengthen its members and the industry as a whole by fostering global knowledge exchange and collaboration.


Reflecting on drupa 2024, Mr. Garavaglia described it as the premier global print show, showcasing innovations from around the world. He noted the increased presence of manufacturers from India, Southeast Asia, and China, indicating the growing popularity of gravure in these regions.


Stefani Dhami, the Secretary of ERA, discussed the association’s efforts to keep its members and the industry updated through online activities, seminars, conferences, and personal contacts. She emphasized the importance of understanding members’ needs to tailor activities and create value for the industry.


Mr. Garavaglia encapsulated ERA’s vision, saying, “We are trying to go global with our association. Each member is very important, and from their feedback, we create new activities. We invite everybody to join our events to share knowledge and strengthen our industry.”


ERA’s next major event is scheduled for October 23-25 in Portugal, featuring presentations on technical innovations and a visit to a technical viewer, providing valuable networking and learning opportunities for members and non-members alike.


Overall, ERA’s focus on sustainability, knowledge-sharing, and global expansion underscores its commitment to advancing the gravure industry worldwide.