The Emirates Environmental Group (EEG), conducted its first major recycling campaign for the year; the “Can Collection Day” on 26 February. Uniting people and entities under the theme “Say: Yes to Can Recycling, No to Carbon Emissions” , EEG collected a total of 7,357 kg of Aluminium Cans for recycling.
Habiba Al Mar’ashi, Chairperson of Emirates Environmental Group said, “This is the year of sustainability, therefore it is up to every entity and individual across the country to ensure that the year continues ahead with collaborative efforts that accelerates sustainable progress. Last year, EEG crossed the set target for the year; and this year we have set the ambitious target to collect 27,500kg of Aluminium Cans for recycling. If all sectors of the society join us and work together with us, this target will definitely be accomplished before the end of the year.”
Furthermore, she also mentioned her appreciation for the strong rallying of the participants and volunteers over the last 27 years. From humble participation in 1997, this campaign has reached and crossed many milestones over the years. Now, participants come from every sector of the society; government organisations, private entities, academic institutions, hospitality industry, families and individuals of all ages and from all positions in life.
Since its inception, EEG has managed to collect 386,366kg of Aluminium Cans for recycling, which resulted in the mitigation of 5,799 MTCO2e, saving of 9,379 m3 of landfill space and the conservation of 87,931 million BTU of energy.
Continuing on Al Mar’ashi iterated the theme for the year, “Say: Yes to Can Recycling, No to Carbon Emissions” was chosen to showcase to the public that even simple aspects of sustainable life such as proper segregation and recycling of resources will dramatically reduce the carbon emission that is released into the atmosphere. As the world battles the triple planetary crisis, and challenges that threaten the current life on the planet, people need to be educated and enlightened with proper knowledge and environmental literacy. The best way to do this is through action oriented programmes that are inclusive and engage the communities at large.
This annual nationwide campaign conducted by EEG is a prime example of the collaborative actions that need to be undertaken by all entities across the world. As long as we call this small planet our home, we need to take a unified approach to protect this biosphere where we live. As the United Nations calls on the world to take actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), EEG is paving the path in UAE for all to follow.
As a member of UNGC, GPML and with accreditation from UNEP and UNCCD, EEG works on the ground to deliver on the relevant sustainable development goals that align with the organisations strategy. The Can Collection Campaign effectively contributes to several of the UN SDGs including, Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal #13: Climate Action, Goal #14: Life below Water, Goal #15: Life on Land and Goal #17: Partnerships for the Goals.
The campaign’s success is not a result of a singular approach from EEG, but rather a collective one with the active collaboration and commitment of a number of government, corporate and academic institutions. EEG was very delighted to have Sharlu Lubricants who came on board as Support Sponsor. EEG appreciates the support of Dubai Municipality, American International School (AUH) and RAK Ceramics for providing the venue support; Department of Economy & Tourism for mobilising and encouraging the hospitality sector to come on board and actively participate. Abela & Co., McDonald’s UAE, Bright Environment, ISS Relocations, Tristar for providing logistical support and the Dubai Malayali Association for providing volunteers, Gulf News and Al Circle who have come on board as media partners for the campaign. In addition, EEG is also delighted to have Lucky Recycling on board to support the campaign as recycling partner.
Besides Aluminium Cans, EEG also facilitates the collection of Paper, Plastic, Glass Bottles, Toners, Mobile phones, E-Waste, Metal Scrap for recycling and is soon to launch the Tin recycling. EEG is confident that its environmental message is spreading steadily to all corners of the UAE and it is committed to work with all the sectors of the society to achieve the sustainability strategy set by the leadership of the country.