When it comes to packaging design, innovation and circularity, Agthia has a lot of bottle

An entirely plant-based water bottle is launched in tandem with a pact to drive up PET recycling rates in the UAE, with a reduction in CO2 emissions resulting in an improved environmental footprint. Agthia Group PJSC, one of the region’s biggest food and beverage companies and producers of Al Ain, the UAE’s leading bottled water …

Bottled water industry leaders come together to tackle sector challenges and adopt best practices

On the sidelines of Gulfood 2020, bottled water industry leaders signed an MoU to form the Gulf Bottled Water Association (GBWA). Headquartered in Dubai, the association aims to bring together a regional work-
ing group of all bottled water industry members to address sector challenges and make the industry more competitive. Creating a unified body to …