Sustainable water company revolutionises the use of plastic- free alternatives in the UAE

Dubai based, Sprudel, an environment-friendly water purification company is on a mission to eliminate the use of plastic bottles and encourage #plasticfree drinking solutions. Their product range includes water purifiers, water coolers, water dispensers and customised glass bottles, serving both still and sparkling water for offices, homes and restaurants.

A typical UAE resident uses 450 plastic water bottles on an average in a single year, making the United Arab Emirates the fourth-highest consumer of single-use plastic bottles in the world according to

Producing plastic bottles requires significant energy along with water inputs. By helping its clients eliminate the usage of 2 million bottles, Sprudel has avoided carbon emissions equivalent to driving a car seventy-two times around the world and saved approximately 6 million litres of freshwater. Its filtration process and reduction in single-use plastic waste supports the UN’s sustainable Development Goals numbers 6 and 14 focused on providing access to clean water and conserving marine life.

Sprudel’s passion for sustainability incites products and services of high quality. It is crucial that tap water is filtered before it is labelled as safe and healthy to be consumed. Sprudel dispensers are fitted directly to the main water supply where it filters the water and makes it clean, safe and healthy to consume. After every installation, a sample of water from Sprudel’s dispenser undergoes a
rigorous Dubai Municipality recognised laboratory test called GSO 149/2014 (Gulf Standard Organisation for Unbottled Drinking Water), which fulfils the guidelines set out by the World Health Organisation on safe drinking water for human consumption.

With filters that guarantee a 99.9% eradication of bacteria, the water from Sprudel’s dispensers not only maintains an average neutral pH level of 7.2, but it’s plastic and storage free nature also provide water that is crisp, palatable and free of any chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA), bisphenol S (BPS), bisphenol F (BPF) that may leak into the water from plastic bottles warehoused in warm temperatures. “Facts and evidence are the keys to encouraging consumers to be conscious of their consumption and contribute to environmental conservation,” says Shawn Green,
Founder of Sprudel. “Sprudel wants to not only provide people with plastic-free alternatives but also educate them about its hazardous effects to our environment as well as the health of humans and nature alike.”

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