In line with Coveris’ global strategy to be an industry sustainable leader, the company’s plants across Europe and Middle East are working continuously to reduce their environmental footprint. The latest example comes from Egypt where the plant is switching its electricity supply from diesel to hydropower eliminating CO2 emissions by more than 90% in 2020.
Marking a major sustainable change in its business operations, Coveris’ Egypt facility is set to switch from diesel to new hydroelectricity generated using the kinetic energy of the falling water of the local dams and converted into electricity by public generators. By investing EUR 850k to switch to a carbon free source of energy, Coveris Egypt significantly reduced the emissions of CO2 from 804 tons per year to almost zero.
Commenting on the initiative, Jakob A. Mosser, said “Coveris has decided not to make any pledges or promises on sustainability but to show that we are truly committed to this subject with real actions. I am proud that we have made this significant investment which reduces the CO2 footprint for electricity at Coveris Egypt close to zero.”