Germany Arburg and Dieffenbacher recently demonstrated their successful cooperation as part of the MoPaHyb research project “Modular production plant for heavy-duty hybrid components,” which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Together with Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal, and nine other partners, a modular production system for hybrid components was developed and realised. It combines a size 4,600 modular injection unit for fibre direct compounding (FDC) from Arburg with a Dieffenbacher 3,600-ton vertical press located at the ICT.
“The subject of lightweight construction is an important one at Arburg,” emphasised Gerhard Böhm, managing director sales at Arburg. “We offer various processes and solutions, including the FDC process. Combining it with transfer moulding is a forward-looking concept that enables new lightweight construction applications.”
Manfred Reif, head of the composites business unit at Dieffenbacher, added, “Based on the positive results achieved in the MoPaHyb project, we will in future also be offering Dieffenbacher transfer moulding presses in combination with an Arburg FDC injection unit.”