Germany: Heidelberg hosted its Packaging Days at the Wiesloch-Walldorf site in May, which saw over 350 participants from all over the world visit the Print Media Center Packaging on two days.
The theme “Together on Track to Success” resonated the strong interest the participants showed in Heidelberg’s integrated solutions and got comprehensive answers to the growing needs in the industry. Run lengths are declining, the number of individual jobs is increasing, raw materials are going up in price and margins continue to be under pressure.
Heidelberg offers its customers a wide product portfolio for this, with standardised processes and largely automated workflows. “We are continuously enhancing the Smart Print Shop, and offer our customers assistance with the digital transformation,” explained Stephan Plenz, member of the management board responsible for digital technology, during his welcome address. “On this journey, we want to give our customers lots of different ideas on how they can make their business model even more profitable.”
For example, the “Smart Packaging Production” agenda item showed how productivity and profitability can be significantly increased in an integrated overall solution. Networked with the Prinect Production Manager, the Speedmaster XL 106 six-color press with coating unit and logistics, the new Powermatrix 106 CSB die cutter, and the Diana X 115 folder gluer ran at full speed.
The Powermatrix 106 CSB is the new high-performance die cutter from MK Masterwork. It produces 8,000 sheets per hour and has many features expected by packaging printers, such as an elevated pile handling system and the optical MasterSet sheet register system as standard equipment.
“One Pass, Infinite Possibilities” was popular with those interested in greater profitability through differentiation. The Speedmaster XL 106 eight-color press with double coating unit and the FoilStar cold foil module produced the most fascinating finishing effects, guaranteed to attract attention on any market shelf.
This is how brand owners realize their eye-catching effects at the point of sale.