Bobst PECVD SiOx solution for producing high barrier film

Bobst PECVD SiOx: for high-barrier films

UK: Bobst Manchester has introduced PECVD SiOx, a solution which it claims is able to produces high barrier film with a high degree of transparency which is both retortable and microwavable.

Their commercialised SiOx coated substrate Bobst said, is a transparent barrier films, as well as being recyclable and FDA approved.

The Bobst Manchester statement said, the PECVD process used to produce the SiOx coated film being operator independent allow- ing for production of consistent high quality film. “The process incorporates the use of a silicon based monom (HMDSO) which is deposited on to the substrate within a low temperature plasma environment.

The monomer and process gasses (He, O2 and Ar) are introduced into the vacuum chamber via a form of gas bar; the gas bar ensures even process gas distribution across the width of the machine and therefore a uniform coating of SiOx.”