SIG, a leading systems and solutions provider for aseptic packaging, announces its entry into the Indian
market, with Kandhari Beverage being the first SIG customer on the economically rapidly growing
Kandhari Beverage will offer their popular mango drink brand ‘Maaza Refresh’ in combiblocXSlim carton
packs (125 and 150 ml). Rolf Stangl, CEO of SIG said, "We work in partnership with our customers to
bring food products to consumers around the world in a safe, sustainable and affordable way – now also
in India. We are convinced that with our portfolio of solutions, we can now help food and beverage
manufacturers in India to offer consumers the perfect product and packaging solution, while boosting
sales and company growth".
With almost 1.3 billion people, India is the most populous country on earth. According to OECD-FAO
Agricultural Outlook 2018-2027, India is the largest milk producer in the world with around 20 percent
of global production. At the same time, consumption of non-carbonated soft drinks is rising fast.
Commenting on the market entry into India, Vandana Tandan, Country Manager India at SIG India said,
“Young, middle-class urban consumers are shaping the demand for modern products in India and are
thus changing the requirements of the food and beverage industry. Healthy, nutritious, and high quality
beverages, that are conveniently packaged to be enjoyed on the go, are increasingly in demand. With
SIG’s product and packaging solutions, manufacturers have significantly more flexibility and scope to
meet these requirements. In particular, our drinksplus solution and the volume flexibility of SIG’s filling
machines make it possible for food and beverage manufacturers to create completely new product
segments. There will be products on the market that have never been seen before in India.”
Kandhari Beverage Ltd., a bottling partner of The Coca-Cola Company, India has opted for a SIG high-
performance filling machine CFA 1224-36 with drinksplus option, suitable for aseptically filling
combiblocXSlim in up to nine different volumes ranging from 80 to 200 ml. The first product in India now
available in carton packs from SIG is Maaza Refresh 125 and 150 ml.