Aptar Beauty launches Color Code PCR: First fragrance pump with PCR Content

Aptar Beauty’s Color Code PCR: A stylish step towards sustainability.


Aptar Beauty, a leading provider of dispensing systems, has launched Color Code PCR, a new plastic fragrance pump crafted with post-consumer recycled resin (PCR). This innovative pump is the first of its kind, boasting up to 67% mechanical PCR Plus material without compromising on customization options or aesthetics.


By integrating such a high percentage of mechanical PCR Plus content during manufacturing, Aptar significantly reduces the product’s CO2 emissions. In fact, compared to pumps using conventional resin, the Color Code PCR pump can lower CO2 emissions by up to -39%, as verified by a comprehensive Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) using Aptar’s internal Eco Design tool.


This sustainable approach aligns with Aptar Beauty’s strong commitment to circularity. As a member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Circular Economy 100 (CE100) Network and a signatory of the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, Aptar is dedicated to addressing plastic waste and enhancing recyclability.


Color Code PCR also offers practical benefits for brands, potentially helping them reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions and, depending on the region, avoid certain plastic packaging taxes. Moreover, at the end of its life, the Color Code PCR fragrance pump can be recycled together with the bottle in the glass waste stream.


Giuseppe Barletta, Regional Platform Manager EMEA for Fragrance Lifestyle at Aptar Beauty, emphasized the pump’s dual role in sustainability and style, stating, “Color Code PCR is a stylish step towards sustainability: it is our very first plastic fragrance pump integrating PCR. This pump not only adds a touch of color and differentiation to fragrance launches but can also help brands achieve their sustainability goals by committing to packaging circularity.”


This made-in-Italy, snap-on pump dispenses an 80 mcl dosage and offers full customization options to align with brand designs, thanks to its plastic construction allowing for a wide range of colors in a glossy finish.