Aptar Closures launches Lightweight 2″ Disc Top Lite for Beauty and Home Care

Aptar’s new 2″ Disc Top Lite closure combines lightweight design with premium aesthetics, ideal for sustainable beauty and home care products.


Aptar Closures, a long-standing leader in dispensing solutions, has introduced a new lightweight disc top closure designed for beauty, personal, and home care products. The 2″ Disc Top Lite is the latest addition to the company’s series of disc top closures, offering a more sustainable option with a low-profile design.


The 2″ Disc Top Lite builds on the success of Aptar’s traditional disc top closures but features a significantly lighter design. Weighing 10.2 grams, it is 23% lighter than standard 2″ disc tops, resulting in reduced plastic usage. This reduction aligns with growing sustainability goals across the industry.


The closure is made from polypropylene (PP) and is available with post-consumer recycled (PCR) content, further enhancing its environmental credentials. It includes a crab claw closure and is produced with a 24mm custom thread neck finish, accommodating a range of viscosities suitable for various applications.


Aptar’s new disc top closure is designed with both function and aesthetics in mind. It offers a sleek, premium look, available in various frost and gloss finishes. Brands can also customize the closure with logos or other identifiers to enhance product differentiation.


Erin Harmon, North America Product Line Director at Aptar Closures, stated, “The 2″ Disc Top Lite exemplifies our commitment to innovation and sustainability. It allows us to provide customers with a premium solution that supports their environmental goals without compromising on quality.”


The 2″ Disc Top Lite is positioned as a versatile option for brands looking to combine sustainability with a high-end appearance for their products.