drupa 2024: Messe Düsseldorf Executives outline Future of Packaging Printing Industry

(L-R) Ben Daniel with Sabine Geldermann and Erhard Wienkamp


The packaging-print industry stands at the cusp of a transformative era, with drupa, the world’s leading trade fair for print and cross-media solutions, paving the way for innovation. In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf, and Sabine Geldermann, Director of drupa, to gain valuable insights into the evolution of technology and business within the packaging-print sector.


Packaging MEA: It’s a pleasure to have both of you here. With drupa happening after eight years, what are your thoughts on the progress and focus on technology and business?
Erhard Wienkamp: Thank you for having us. The resurgence of drupa after eight years is indeed significant. We’re witnessing a convergence of global mega-trends driving technological advancements, particularly in digitalization.
The emphasis on self-learning machinery, automation, artificial intelligence, and sustainability underscores the industry’s commitment to innovation and meeting evolving consumer expectations.
Sabine Geldermann: Absolutely. The presentations and discussions at drupa highlight the industry’s shift towards sustainable practices and circular economy models. It’s evident that technology and sustainability are intertwined, shaping the future of printing.


Packaging MEA: Mr. Wienkamp, from the perspective of attendees from the Middle East and Africa region, what’s your message regarding drupa?
Erhard Wienkamp: For attendees from the Middle East and Africa, drupa is not just an event; it’s an opportunity to witness the cutting-edge technologies shaping the printing industry. By participating, they can stay abreast of the latest innovations and developments, ensuring they maintain a competitive edge in the global market.
Sabine Geldermann: I couldn’t agree more. drupa serves as a compass for navigating the ever-changing landscape of the printing industry. Missing this event means missing out on crucial insights and networking opportunities that can drive business growth.


Packaging MEA: Touching on the significance of packaging, could you provide a preview of Touchpoint Packaging and its importance?
Erhard Wienkamp: Touchpoint Packaging serves as a platform for showcasing visionary packaging solutions across the entire value chain. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, this forum allows industry stakeholders to explore the latest trends, interact with experts, and gain valuable insights into the future of packaging.


Packaging MEA: Lastly, the increasing focus on printing for packaging is palpable. How pivotal is this sector for drupa?
Sabine Geldermann: Packaging printing has become a cornerstone of drupa, reflecting the industry’s evolution and growing consumer demands.
With advancements in embellishment, decoration, and printed electronics, packaging serves as a crucial touchpoint for brands to enhance their reputation and engage consumers across various channels.