Koenig & Bauer CEO unveils key packaging innovations and strategies for emerging markets

Packaging MEA editors Ben Daniel and George Simonian share a valuable and memorable exchange with Dr. Andreas Pleßke, CEO of Koenig & Bauer


In an exclusive interview, Packaging MEA had the privilege of sitting down with Dr Pleßke at the recent special media conference in Messe Dusseldorf as he provided invaluable insights into the global packaging industry and offered strong perspectives specific to the Middle East & Africa (MEA) region. While our conversation covered various aspects including packaging-print, sustainability, automation, and innovations, here we highlight the key moments from our engaging discussion.


Ben: Dr. Pleßke, it’s a pleasure to have you here with us.
Dr Pleßke: Likewise, great to be here.


Ben: I’m particularly interested in exploring Koenig & Bauer’s operations in the MEA. Could you provide insights into your strategy for our region?
Dr Pleßke: Absolutely! Our primary focus is on regions experiencing growth, particularly driven by population expansion. Countries experiencing such growth tend to see increased demand across various sectors, including packaging. The Middle East and North Africa, including Egypt, are prime examples. Egypt, for instance, has witnessed significant industrial development and is attracting various industries.


Additionally, the growth of the middle class in these regions further fuels demand for packaged goods. Therefore, our strategy is to capitalize on these growth opportunities by offering tailored solutions and building on our longstanding presence in the region. Our strategy is rooted in understanding the unique dynamics of each region. The MEA aren’t just growth markets; they’re hubs of transformation. By aligning our offerings with the evolving needs of these regions, we can forge enduring partnerships and drive sustainable growth.


Ben: Turning our attention to flexible packaging, could you elaborate on your collaboration with ‘Sealed Air’ and the innovative pursuits within this realm?
Dr Pleßke: Our partnership with ‘Sealed Air’ is pivotal in advancing our capabilities in flexible packaging. I can affirm that ‘Sealed Air’ brings unparalleled expertise in filmic substrates, particularly for packaging perishable goods like meat. We are leveraging this expertise to explore digital printing applications, particularly with our Rotor jet machine. Our joint efforts aim to develop future-ready solutions that meet evolving market demands.


Ben: Fascinating! Transitioning to the critical topic of sustainability, you’ve highlighted the intricate nature of substrate selection and its profound implications for packaging sustainability. Can you provide further insight into Koenig & Bauer’s position on this pressing issue?
Dr Pleßke: Sustainability in packaging is multifaceted, with substrate selection playing a crucial role. While there’s a prevailing perception that fiber-based products are inherently more sustainable, advancements in thin film substrates challenge this notion. The reality is, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Each substrate has its pros and cons, and factors like recyclability and reusability further complicate the equation. Our approach at Koenig & Bauer is to offer a diverse range of solutions tailored to meet varying customer needs. Whether it’s offset, digital, or flexo printing, we provide unbiased guidance to help customers make informed decisions that align with their sustainability goals.


Ben: Given the complexity of sustainability in packaging, what message do you have for regional printers and converters in the MEA, particularly those at drupa?
Dr Pleßke: To our esteemed colleagues in the MEA region, I would like to extend a warm invitation to join us at drupa. Your region is undergoing rapid transformation, presenting exciting opportunities for collaboration and growth. At Koenig & Bauer, we are committed to being your partner on this journey, offering innovative solutions and unwavering support. Together, we can navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.


Ben: Thank you, Dr. Pleßke, for sharing your invaluable insights with us.
Dr Pleßke: It’s been my pleasure. Thank you for having me.