Wimbledon and Evian reflect on sustainability achievements at 2024 Championships

Players at Wimbledon 2024 can use the innovative Evian refillable water system, promoting sustainability and reducing single-use plastic waste on court.


The All England Club and The Championships, Wimbledon, have completed another successful tournament, marked by significant strides towards environmental sustainability. Acknowledging the influential role of major sporting events in environmental protection, Wimbledon aims to lead by example in fostering a positive environmental impact.


Wimbledon’s Sustainability Achievements

During the 2024 Championships, Wimbledon demonstrated its commitment to achieving several environmental milestones by 2030, including:


Net Zero Emissions: Reducing emissions from operations to achieve ‘net zero’ status.

Resource Efficiency: Progressing towards becoming a more resource-efficient organization.

Biodiversity Enhancement: Contributing to a ‘net gain’ in biodiversity.

Influence for Wider Action: Using its platform to inspire broader environmental actions.


Evian’s Contribution at Wimbledon 2024

Evian, the Official Water of The Championships, Wimbledon since 2008, has been a key partner in these sustainability efforts. During Wimbledon 2024, Evian continued its initiatives to promote refill, reuse, and recycle behaviors among players and spectators.


The Evian refillable water dispensers at Wimbledon 2024, an initiative encouraging players to adopt refill and reuse habits for a more sustainable tournament.


Refillable Water System

In 2023, Evian piloted a refillable water system on court, providing players with refillable bottles to encourage sustainable practices. This system was expanded in 2024, featuring water dispensers on court and larger 18.9L dispensers around players’ areas, reinforcing the refill and reuse model.


Sustainable Packaging for Spectators

Spectators enjoyed Evian’s signature 75cl bottles, made from recycled plastic, and the elegant 33cl recyclable aluminum cans for sparkling water. Evian, in collaboration with Wimbledon’s waste management team, remained committed to recycling all bottles and cans used on the grounds.

Through these initiatives, Wimbledon and Evian have demonstrated their dedication to sustainability, setting a benchmark for other sporting events and organizations to follow. As the tournament concludes, the focus on environmental stewardship remains a central theme, paving the way for a greener future in sports.