Mazoon Dairy expands with new products in SIG carton packs

Milk it for all it’s worth: Mazoon-SIG Combibloc collaboration

Mazoon Dairy, the largest integrated dairy company in the Sultanate of Oman, and SIG Combibloc Obeikan,one of the world’s leading systems and solutions providers for aseptic packaging and filling machines for food and beverages, have announced the launch of a full range of liquid dairy products in combiblocSlimline and combiblocMini carton packs.


This latest step marks another significant step closer to Mazoon Dairy’s goal of establishing the Sultanate as a self-sufficient dairy producer and a hub for food manufacturing.


Mazoon takes advantage of SIG’s flexible filling technology for different product categories including white milk, flavoured milk and juice.


These products will be available in four volumes (150ml, 200ml, 250ml and 1,000ml) and various flavours: chocolate, banana and strawberry in the milk segment, and orange, mango, guava, pomegranate, mixed berry and cocktail in the juice segment.


Dr Arjun Subramanian, CEO, Mazoon Dairy, said: “This launch represents another milestone in our journey of growth. It brings us closer to our bigger goal of fulfilling our national vision for economic development by establishing a self-sufficient economy.


“We are offering the Omani and other regional markets a wider range of products that appeal to every age category, using the highest standards and best practices in the industry. This could not have been possible without the support of our partner, SIG Combibloc Obeikan.”


Abdelghany Eladib, Chief Operating Officer, SIG Combibloc Obeikan, said: “Oman currently imports 70% of its dairy products and Mazoon Dairy is determined to reduce this to 10%.


“We are honoured to play a role in supporting the Sultanate and Mazoon Dairy’s mission in boosting local self-sufficiency and meeting rising demand.


“This also falls in line with our strategic expansion into the Sultanate of Oman. By providing the latest product innovations and efficient flexibility solutions, we look forward to continuing our partnership with Mazoon Dairy in their journey towards growth.”