UAE The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), through the Gulf Standardisation Organization (GSO), and the rest of the Arab countries through the specialised associations of the League of Arab States, are studying the UAE model as the Emirates Quality Mark (EQM), which achieved remarkable success in controlling the quality of output of the production lines, in all type of products.
According to HE Abdulla Al-Maeeni, director general of Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (ESMA), the Authority felicitated the producers and suppliers by issuing them the “Emirates Quality Mark”, in Dubai. “The UAE model in implementing this system has undergone a number of bench-marking comparisons in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman and Kuwait in terms of system and requirements for obtaining the EQM.”
The number of products in the UAE market with EQM stands at around 73,000 products from 551 factories and production lines worldwide have been registered with ESMA since the introduction of the EQM system nine years ago, while 1,168 licenses were granted to factories and suppliers in five continents.
40 EQM for Juices and Dairy
ESMA has granted 40 production and manufacturing lines for juices, beverages, milk and dairy products, the Emirates Quality Mark (EQM), where “Rauch” was the most prominent of which is the first juice producer in the European Union, obtaining the EQM under the requirements of the UAE control system for juices and beverages.
In addition, the Authority granted 35 optional EQMs to electrical appliances factories, cosmetics and perfumes sectors.
Juices and Dairy Products
In response to the UAE’s requirements developed by the ESMA to ensure the compatibility of food products manufactured in the country or imported from abroad, ESMA has received a strong response from the producers of juices and dairy products with the latest international standards. These requirements help to reduce the financial costs of the food industry, and standardise and facilitate control procedures for these products in the markets.
Emirates Quality Marks (EQM)
HE Al-Maeeni also welcomed the strong demand of the suppliers to join the EQM System. The total number of products with the EQM in general reached about 73 thousand products, registered within one of the most important national conformity scheme, which guarantee the quality of production, enhance consumer confidence, and increase safety in the community.
The companies and production lines that have recently achieved the EQM belong to five continents, Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, for companies that have international brands for the production of juices, beverages, milk, dairy products, and bottled drinking water.
EQM Updates
In another context, ESMA has made some updates on the mechanism of implementation of the UAE system for the control of milk and dairy products and the UAE system for the control of juices and beverages. The technical evaluation of the facility has been replaced by the acceptance of health certificates issued by countries that have adopted safety regulations food and hygiene requirements and good manufacturi
ng practices by the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) in the UAE.
Best standards
HE Al-Maeeni thanked the companies that have achieved the EQM for their keenness to apply the best international and local quality standards in their product lines, products and their pursuit of the EQM. He pointed out that the products that receive the EQM are distinguished products and are more confident consumers as a result of their conformity with their specifications and technical requirements.