Unilever aims to invest $150m to open a Kenyan plant, the company’s largest investment in Africa.

Marc Engel, the company’s executive vice-president for East Africa and emerging markets, said the facility would serve East Africa’s surging demand for fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs), according to the Standard newspaper.
“This is by far the largest investment in Africa and is an indication of our commitment to Kenya and Africa. Besides, it is a clear indication that we are prepared for bigger business in the region,” he said.
Due to start production in 2016, the plant would supply markets such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda.
The plant would greatly extend Unilever’s food and home care portfolio, said Engel.
“Toothpaste usage in Kenya stands at an average 50g per year, against the dentist recommendation of 700g and once we develop the market, the growth potential is good,” he said.
While taking its raw materials from within Kenya, the plant would use petrochemicals from the Middle East and palm oil from Malaysia and Indonesia, he said.