Dow Packaging is launching its pacXpert flexible stand-up pouches in markets across Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

pacXpert is being marketed as a replacement for rigid containers for items such as soups, rice and other grains, breakfast cereals, ketchup and dry baking goods.
As they can be shipped flat, the collapsible cube-shaped pouches also offers significant efficiency savings, said Dow in a press release on its participation at Interpack, now on in Dusseldorf (8-14 May).
Available in sizes from 2 litres to 20 litres, pacXpert pouches are already available in Latin America, where the product has garnered a couple of industry awards.
The 2013 ABRE Gold Award from the Brazilian Packaging Association and the 2013/14 WorldStar Packaging Award from the World Packaging Organization are both being presented at Interpack.
Dow also describes its new flexible packaging as stackable, up to as many as six or seven layers on a pallet, without a need for secondary packaging.
We are interested in developing this pouch for our paint products in waterbase as well as solvent base.
We are interested in developing this pouches for our paint product in water and solvent base.